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Angel Card Readings

Angel Card Readings


Angel Card Readings


Angel cards are used in the practice of divination, to help seek and receive spiritual guidance. They are thought to channel the energies of angelic beings and offer advice, encouragement and insight. I use my psychic intuition when interpreting the cards, and deliver all readings via email, within 72hrs.   |  Read more...

You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this reading. All readings are for entertainment purposes only and any information provided by the reader is not to be substituted for professional, legal and/or medical advice. No guarantees are offered and all sales are final.

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Beautiful healing energy

What is divination?

Divination is the act of foretelling future events or finding that which is hidden, through spiritual insight and intuitive perception. Nostradamus was a skilled diviner and is renowned for accurately predicting momentous events in human history.

A single card reading offers the recipient spiritual insight, into a specific question or situation. It can be about anything; from love to finance. It’s a good choice if you feel you need a Yes or No answer.

This reading offers a look back into your recent past… Where you are now… And what the future may have in store for you.

This is a great choice for those seeking clarity and/or encouragement around recent or forthcoming life events. Whether you’re seeking closure, reassurance, or anything in between; the Past, Present and Future reading could be the perfect tonic. 

You will receive an email within 72hrs containing your message from the Angels, along with my psychic interpretation and supporting guidance.

It’s simply a question of physics

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The catalyst for my spiritual growth was grief, but each of us walks our own path, and no two experiences are the same. Whatever you’re dealing with… wherever you are on your journey; believing that you can find peace & happiness, is the first step to obtaining it.

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The beautiful benefits of Violet Miron

Once the all-natural ingredients used in our oils reach maturity, continued exposure to sunlight can accelerate the process of molecular decay…

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Did you know… The colour violet, a combination of red and blue (Yin and Yang) represents universal balance and harmony. 

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The introductory consultation

This session represents the first step in the healing process, by affording first-time clients an opportunity to share their physical and/or emotional health and wellbeing concerns.

The Divine Reiki studio provides a safe and peaceful environment, within which to discuss any such issues, and allows me to answer any questions you may have regarding Reiki Healing.

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Soothing Bathtime Aromatherapy

Simply blend 5 to 20 drops of your favourite essential oil(s) with a tablespoon of carrier oil (we recommend using Grapeseed or Argan oil).

Then gently swirl 3-5 drops of your favourite  Eternal Sunshine blend into a warm bath to unlock the therapeutic benefits that pure essential oils have to offer.

For more information on safely blending Eternal Sunshine’s all natural essential oils, refer to our blending guide, accessible from this link…