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A little more about me

The Journey So Far

I’ve been on the path towards enlightenment for three years now and qualified as a Reiki Master Practitioner in 2022.

Energy, like true love, never dies

Life is an infinite series of new beginnings, in a state of perpetual transformation through time and space.

In 2017 my Mum was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), and on the 1st of July 2020, she left this world behind. Despite her moments of fear, my Mum was always incredibly brave, witnessing her battle against IPF and then losing her, changed my life.

Throughout the early stages of grief, I sought help from everywhere… I was looking for a quick fix, and I simply wanted the pain I was feeling to end. It was after my first Reiki healing session that I felt a shift. It felt like, for the first time since my Mum’s passing, I could finally see some light; a pathway out of the darkness that had become so overwhelming.

Through Reiki, I have learned that, like true love, energy is infinite! When the pain of her passing hits me the hardest, I remind myself that the grief I’m experiencing is simply a measure of my mother’s love for me and mine for her. Our love came first… and it has taught me the value of acceptance. Mum will always be with me. The bond, the connection we share, can never be broken, and I am finally at peace with my reality.

Reiki has helped me to understand the limitless nature of energy and its many frequencies. The visible light spectrum detectable by the human eye governs what we can and can’t see, not what does or does not exist.

I co-founded Eternal Sunshine in 2022, to promote the beautifully balancing nature of mindfulness, through a supporting range of products designed to cultivate and preserve emotional well-being & resilience. Launching the first Divine Reiki studio was always going to be the next step, allowing me to help others, directly, in their pursuit of emotional, physical and spiritual balance.

The catalyst for my spiritual growth was grief, but we each walk our own path and no two experiences are the same. Whatever you’re dealing with… wherever you are on your journey, believing that you can find peace & happiness is the first step to obtaining it.

Chelle Whettam | co-founder of My Eternal Susnhine

Divine Reiki treatments

Divine Reiki training

Eternal Sunshine

“You are the light, and yours is the power to drive out the darkness. You must simply remember to shine.”

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Divine Reiki Academy

Student Benefits

Online training modules

Divine Reiki students have lifetime access to all twenty-one (completed) modules through their online accounts.

On-Demand Video Tutorials

Exclusive access to all current and future Guided Tutorials, featuring Kanji 1, 2 and 3 and the Leading Hand positions, etc.

Guided Meditations

Twelve-Months access to our exclusive Guided Meditations library with unlimited access to new monthly content.

Eternal Sunshine Discounts

15% off our range of Eternal Sunshine Reiki Essentials, including essential oils and crystal healing bracelets.

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Self Healing

Healing Meditations

Kanji hand positions

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The introductory consultation

This session represents the first step in the healing process, by affording first-time clients an opportunity to share their physical and/or emotional health and wellbeing concerns.

The Divine Reiki studio provides a safe and peaceful environment, within which to discuss any such issues, and allows me to answer any questions you may have regarding Reiki Healing.

Information concerning clients is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to unauthorised persons. This obligation shall continue in perpetuity.

Reiki treatments & training

Eternal Sunshine products

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Soothing Bathtime Aromatherapy

Simply blend 5 to 20 drops of your favourite essential oil(s) with a tablespoon of carrier oil (we recommend using Grapeseed or Argan oil).

Then gently swirl 3-5 drops of your favourite  Eternal Sunshine blend into a warm bath to unlock the therapeutic benefits that pure essential oils have to offer.

For more information on safely blending Eternal Sunshine’s all natural essential oils, refer to our blending guide, accessible from this link…